Thesis topics

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Bachelor's thesis

Bachelor mechanical engineering

With the bachelor's thesis, which completes the course of study, students demonstrate that they are capable of independently working on a defined engineering task under supervision within a specified period of time, thus contributing scientifically justified theoretical and practical knowledge to the solution of a problem. The task can be of a practical or theoretical nature, it corresponds to the advanced state of knowledge in marine engineering and usually deals with a problem occurring in professional life or it contributes to investigations in the context of research work. Topics will be announced by notice board, the staff is available for questions in this regard!

Integration into the course of studies

The module is usually attended in the 6th semester. Topics will be announced on the notice board, the staff will be happy to answer any questions!

Parts of the exam

Parts of the exam

The exam consists of two individual parts:

  • the final thesis (processing time after registration in the study office: 16 weeks, the documentation instructions of the chair are to be considered)
  • Colloquium (presentation: 20 minutes, discussion: ~30 minutes)

Course number:
Exam parts: Bachelor thesis mechanical engineering with colloquium

Univ. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Florian Sprenger and co-workers

Total workload: 450 hours; a division can be assumed to ~360 hours for the preparation of the bachelor thesis including consultations and ~90 hours for the preparation of the colloquium.

Credit points: 15

Study thesis

Master Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering

In a first comprehensive scientific thesis in the Master's program, the students acquire the competence to independently work on a self-contained, possibly also interdisciplinary engineering task under guidance. They demonstrate that they are able to present the task, the solution and the results of their work in accordance with applicable standards and using the relevant specialist vocabulary in a high quality, to classify it scientifically and to critically reflect on it. The task can be of a practical or theoretical nature, it corresponds to the advanced state of knowledge in marine engineering and usually deals with a problem occurring in professional life or it contributes to investigations in the context of research work. Topics will be announced by notice board, the staff is available for questions in this regard!

Master's thesis

Master Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering

With the master's thesis, which completes the degree program, students demonstrate that they are capable of independently and successfully completing a specific task under supervision within a specified period of time, thus contributing scientifically substantiated theoretical and practical knowledge to the solution of a problem. The task can be of a practical or theoretical nature, it corresponds to the advanced state of knowledge in marine engineering and usually deals with a problem occurring in professional life or it contributes to investigations in the context of research work. Topics will be announced by notice board, the staff is available for questions in this regard!

Current Topics

Study thesis or master thesis

Bachelor thesis or study thesis

Systematic investigation of bilge de-oiling processes for ships under 400 GT

The thesis can be done in German as well as in English.

Master thesis or study thesis

Application of agile methods on ship design

The thesis can be done in German as well as in English.

Have your own topics?

In addition to the announced topics, we are always open to suervise your topic ideas. So if you would like to investigate your own research question in the field of ship technology as part of a student project, please contact the staff at the chair!