General Information
Winter Semester
- Ship Design (M.Sc.)
- Damage Stability of Ships (M.Sc.)
- Computer-aided Design and IT in Ship Design ,Production and Operation (M.Sc.)
- Team Project EMship (M.Sc.)
Summer Semester
Offers to students
Course: Computer-aided Design and IT in Ship Design, Production and Operation
Master Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering
Students will learn mathematical principles of curve and free-form surface modeling as a fundamental task of ship design. They will know required input information in the individual process steps. In addition, they will be able to formulate requirements for the tools used in the ship engineering development process or to evaluate the performance of such tools for individual tasks. The entire scope from ship design to production is investigated from the process perspective: listeners will recognize the necessity of information flow and be able to develop integration strategies in the shipbuilding context.
This course is provided in English
- A.-Einstein-Str. 2 - R 210, Seminargebäude
- Tuesday, 15:00 - 17:00
- first event: 17/10
- A.-Einstein-Str. 2 - R 210, Seminargebäude
- Monday, 13:00 - 15:00
- first event: 23/10
Module number: 1550940
Courses: Computer-aided Design and IT in Ship Design, Production and Operation
Univ. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Florian Sprenger
M.Sc. Junheng Zhang
Credit points: 6 ECTS
Attendance: 2 SWS lectures, 1 SWS tutorial/practical, 1 SWS project course
Preparation, follow-up, self-study, homework: ~ 124 h
Total amount of work: ~ 180 h